I am currently an AI Research Scientist at Intel Lab, working on large scale multimodal system pretraining and multimodal retrieval augmented generation (RAG).
My research dives deep into the realms of information retrieval and reading comprehension within natural language processing (NLP) and multimodal domains. The primary goal of my research is to develop advanced models that not only efficiently retrieve and utilize external knowledge for enriched comprehension and reasoning but also demonstrate superior generalization capabilities across unfamiliar tasks and domains. A few areas of my recent interest include:
Previously, I was a research fellow at Mayo Clinic, AZ, working closely with Dr. Imon Banerjee and Dr. Bhavik Patel. I earned my doctoral degree in 2023 from Arizona State University under the esteemed supervision of Dr. Chitta Baral. I am also privileged to collaborate with amazing industry researchers from Salesforce, Meta and Google during my internship.
End-to-end Knowledge Retrieval with Multi-modal Queries Man Luo, Zhiyuan Fang, Tejas Gokhale, Yezhou Yang, Chitta Baral ACL 2023 [Paper]
A Study on the Efficiency and Generalization of Light Hybrid Retrievers Man Luo, Shashank Jain, Anchit Gupta, Arash Einolghozati, Barlas Oguz Debojeet Chatterjee, Xilun Chen, Chitta Baral, Peyman Heidari ACL 2023 [Paper]
In-BoXBART: Get Instructions into Biomedical Multi-Task Learning Mihir Parmar, Swaroop Mishra, Mirali Purohit, Man Luo, M. Hassan Murad, Chitta Baral NAACL 2022 Finding [Paper] [Model in Huggingface]
Generalized but not Robust? Comparing the Effects of Data Modification Methods on Out-of-Domain Generalization and Adversarial Robustness Tejas Gokhale*, Swaroop Mishra*, Man Luo*, Bhavdeep Singh Sachdeva, Chitta Baral ACL 2022 Finding [Paper]
Improving Biomedical Information Retrieval with Neural Retrievers Man Luo, Arindam Mitra, Tejas Gokhale, Chitta Baral AAAI 2022 [Paper]
Strong equivalence for LPMLN programs Joohyung Lee and Man Luo ICLP 2019 [Paper]
Can Transformers Reason About Effects of Actions? Pratyay Banerjee, Chitta Baral, Man Luo, Arindam Mitra, Kuntal Pal, Tran C Son, Neeraj Varshney arXiv preprint [Paper]